Urja Khabar
3) NCDC Urja Khabar Ashad 2071 2) NCDC Urja Khabar Falgun 2070 1) NCDC Urja Khabar Mansir, 2070
Organization Documents
Silver Jubilee Book of NCDC (25 Paila) 25 Steps (25 Paila)_NCDC NCDC Organizational Brochure_2014 NCDC_Organizational Brochure_2014 NCDC Gender Mainstreaming St
Project Output/Published Documents
Report on Energy- AEPC SCDP Annual Report_2018_NCDC Final_MaiJogmai Solar and ICS installation Reprot_20.03.2076 NCDC Annual Progress Report ICS capacity development and ASS Training_ 24.03.2019