Friends of NCDC
Friends of NCDC is a platform for national and international visitors, volunteers and students who have worked with NCDC during some course of time.This will also include well wishers of who are willing to support NCDC activities and benefit to the community. By clicking the above button, the link will redirect you to Google Form in which you can enter your personal as well as organizational information. Your information will be then recorded in Friends of NCDC database.
Volunteer Stories
NAMASTE TO ALL YOU !!! My Exchange programme in Nepal was the best thing that happened in the just concluded year of 2015. This could not have been possible without my host organization Namsaling Community Development Center (NCDC).

Rodgers Ayega, Kenya
It is interesting to see how can two different countries, located in different continents with totally different cultures and habits, can still share the same problems. In Africa, specifically in Mozambique, 16 million m² of forest is destroyed every year

Joana Nhassengo, FEDESMO, Mozambique
Coming to NCDC, Nepal from Mozambique, Africa in the exchange program (Sustainable Energy Service for Households) funded by FK (Fredskorpset) in Sustainable Energy Services for Households Program looked like a challenge at first.

Flavio Saraiva – FK Participant from FEDESMO
It has been a pleasure to spend the past 1.5 weeks with the NCDC staff! During our time here, we got a taste of both field work in the VDC of Namsaling as well as office work in Ilam.

Caroline Williams, USA
During this summer, I and the rest of the EWB CU Nepal team worked with NCDC to build a reed bed system to treat the wastewater generated by the Ilam District Hospital and public toilet at the bazaar.

Douglas Bloomqist
University of Colorado, USA
The opportunity to work with NCDC this summer in partnership with Engineers Without Borders-CU was a wonderful experience for me. I found the working relationship between EWB and NCDC to be effective and successful.

Jessica Dehart
University of Colorado, USA
I worked with NCDC this past summer as part of the CU EWB team to build a reed bed system to treat the wastewater from Ilam District Hospital. I spent three months living in Ilam working on the reed bed system

Taylor Pearce
University of Colorado, USA
In summer 2010, I have worked in NCDC as a volunteer. During my stay I basically involved for health and hygiene education for school children and community people in Ilam municipality.

Charlotte Vanvoast
Colorado, USA